Advertise with the LARGEST LOCAL Halloween Network
We attract thousands of haunt hunters visiting our local network sites. Find out how we can successfully help you connect with potential customers this Halloween Season. Not only does Haunted House Media provide you an outlet to connect with your target audience directly but we can do it at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional print media. Call 888-228-5265 or fill out the form below.
Over 4 MILLION haunt seekers used our network of sites to find a Haunted Attractions in 2022.
1.5 MILLION Social Media Followers
In addition to the 4 Million haunt seekers that visitor our websites an additional 1.5 MILLION+ Haunt fans also follow us across our Social Media Accounts as of 2022.
We Get Your Haunt Noticed
We provide the opportunity to promote your season attraction directly to a niche market of customers for little to no cost.
Why Choose Us?
Over 90% of Haunt Owners who pay to advertise wind up renewing. Our website traffic has grown an incredible 520% since 2012.
Hundreds of Haunt Owners Advertise With Us
We work with hundreds of Haunt Attraction Owners across 38 states to help them sell more tickets.